Express polymer letters reference style

The main scope of Express Polymer Letters (Express Polym Lett; ISSN 1788-618X) is to provide a very fast first publication possibility related to the following topics: polymers; polymer composites; blends and alloys; nanomaterials; molecular engineering; tailor-made polymers; biopolymers (bio-based or biodegradable polymers); biocompatible polymers; smart polymers; polymer gels and membranes; reinforcements and fillers; polymer processing technologies; rubbers and rubber technologies; interfaces, interphases and adhesion; thin-layer technologies; material testing and properties; recycling; modelling and simulation. Beside regular articles we are ready to publish any short original publication (letter), proof of concept as well as review articles covering broader topics:

The strict single-blind peer reviewing (including screening for plagiarism prior to sending the manuscript to the reviewers, carried out personally by the editors using the databases of WoS and Google Scholar) and editing process is very rapid; the publication may appear even within 3-4 months after submitting the manuscript. The journal is published monthly (12 issues in a year) at the latest on the 1st of each month.

The journal is electronically published and indexed; moreover, it is printed at the end of every year, and the printed version can be found in several libraries all over the world. Express Polymer Letters is a gold open access journal; both publishing and downloading the published articles is free of charge. The users have the right to read, print, search, download, copy, distribute or link to the full texts of these articles, given that they credit the original source without any alterations or commercial use.

Express Polymer Letters is indexed by several organizations:

The journal received the JCR impact factor firstly in 2010 (referring to the year 2009); since then, it has increased steadily.

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Published by:

Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering