Nova scotia civil procedure rules practice memorandum

These unofficial, web-based versions of the Civil Procedure Rules Forms are provided for the convenience of counsel and prospective litigants. If there is a discrepancy in a form below, the forms found in the consolidated Civil Procedure Rules, Part 22 Forms are the official versions.

Most of the court forms on this page are currently available in Microsoft (MS) Word only. Work is underway to create fillable PDF versions of all court forms that can be completed online. Fillable PDF versions of the forms will be posted on this page as they are completed.

Practice Memorandum 1 - Foreclosure Procedures
Section Form Format
Practice Memorandum 1 - Foreclosure Procedures
2.5 Documentation Notice of Action Word
Statement of Claim Word
Ex Parte Motion Word
Affidavit of Counsel Word
Certificate re Registry Act Word
Certificate re Land Registry Act Word
Affidavit of Mortgagee Word
Summary Statement of Account Word
Order for Foreclosure, Sale, and Possession Word
Instructions for Conduct of Foreclosure Auction PDF
2.7 Notice of Public Auction Notice of Public Auction Word
Affidavit of Counsel on Confirmation Word
5 Simple Foreclosure Initial Foreclosure Order Word
Final Foreclosure Order Word
Practice Memorandum 2 - Affidavits of Service
Section Form Format
Practice Memorandum 2 - Affidavits of Service
Personal service of a notice is proved by an affidavit of service that includes a certified copy of the notice:
Rule 31.05(2)(c).
Form PM 2A Word
Practice Memorandum 6A - Infant Settlement Precedents

These precedents are for applications or motions to approve a settlement on behalf of a child, approve fees and expenses, and set up a trust for the proceeds. They may be consulted when a settlement is sought to be approved. The circumstances of these cases vary so much that counsel should always ask whether evidence or terms in the precedents need modification, replacement, or expansion.

Precedent When to use Format
Practice Memorandum 6A - Infant Settlement Precedents
Notice of Application when no action has been started [use when no action started] Word
Litigation Guardian's Statement when no action has been started [use when no action started] Word
Designation of Address for Delivery when no action has been started or no defence has been filed [use when action not started or defence not filed] Word
Notice of motion when action has been started [use when action was started] Word
Affidavit of Litigation Guardian/Proposed Trustee Word
Affidavit of Counsel Word
Consent of Young Person Word
Undertaking to Account Word
Counsel's Certificate Word
Affidavit of Justification and Net Worth Statement Word
Bond for Trustee's Obligations Word
Order Approving Settlement and Establishing Trust Word
Practice Memorandum 6B - Infant Settlement Precedents Under $25,000

These precedents may be used for approval of settlements on behalf of a child for $25,000 or less. They differ from the usual precedents in ways that are intended to make the motion or application less expensive. Explanations of the child's injury, information about the child's background, and the justification of counsel's opinion are less detailed. A simple GIC suffices for an investment plan. Sureties are not required when the settlement proceeds are invested in a GIC and the trustee undertakes not to collapse the GIC before the child's nineteenth birthday unless the court permits. As can be seen, the precedents contain these and other simplifications.

Precedent When to Use Format
Practice Memorandum 6B - Infant Settlement Precedents under $25,000
Affidavit of Litigation Guardian (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Undertaking and Bond (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Affidavit of Proposed Trustee (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Affidavit of Counsel (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Counsel's Certificate (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Consent of Young Person (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Order Approving Settlement and Establishing Trust (When Settlement Under $25,000) Word
Practice Memorandum 8 - Model CCAA and Receivership Orders
Precedent Format
Practice Memorandum 8 - Model CCAA and Receivership Orders
Receivership Order Word
Receiver Certificate (Schedule "A") Word
Initial Order Word
Charging Order Word
Schedule “A” (DIP Term Sheet To be attached Word
Schedule “B” (List of Critical Suppliers) Word
Practice Memorandum 11 - Quieting Titles

Forms in the schedule to the Act are not mandatory. See, s. 21. The forms attached to this practice memorandum are included to reflect the adaptation of the Act to the Rules. They are:

Form Format
Practice Memorandum 11 - Quieting Titles
Paragraphs for statement of claim or grounds Word
Notice of Right to Intervene Word
Advertisement Word
Order for Certificate Word
Uncontested Certificate of Title Word