Building Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty

IDA prioritizes crisis preparedness to help countries understand and manage various crisis risks. Its toolkit covers different types of crises and stages of risk, from building resilience to post-crisis interventions.

The World Bank

Road to IDA21

IDA's 21st replenishment is taking place amidst crises that have stalled development progress in poor countries. A successful IDA21 will help end poverty on a livable planet. Learn More

IDA20 Special Themes

Climate Change

Managing the unavoidable and avoiding the unmanageable

Fragility, Conflict, and Violence

Breaking the cycle of conflict and poverty

Gender and Development

Fostering gender equality and empowerment

Human Capital

Investing in people for greater equity and economic growth

Jobs and Economic Transformation

Creating good jobs and supporting a strong private sector

Partners in Development

The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) works with a large network of global, regional and local partners to reach poorest people and deliver sustainable results. In this video, hear from key partners who support IDA’s efforts in the global fight against poverty.

More About Our Work

With IDA’s help, hundreds of millions of people have escaped poverty—through the creation of jobs, access to clean water, schools, roads, nutrition, electricity, and more.

The World Bank

Explore IDA's History

Through 87 events and nearly 500 archival and informational sources, the timeline explores the origins of IDA, its vital role in providing financial and knowledge resources, and the innovative ways it has supported economic and social development across the poorest countries in the world.